Facebook-owned WhatsApp added a couple of new features to its messaging app. The app has a newly redesigned storage management tool, one of the most awaited “Disappearing Messages” the Whatsapp Payments features, finally, and much more.
Digital payments are increasing astonishingly in India. And relation to that, Whatsapp has been testing its Whatsapp Payments feature in India for over a year. The feature was initially provided to a limited set of WhatsApp users and promised that its payment service would be available for everyone by the end of the year.
As per the National Payments Corporation of India’s (NPCI) approval, the Whatsapp Payments feature will not be available to everyone but has been approved to roll out the service to 20 million Whatsapp users across the nation.
It is a marginally low number of approved users because Whatsapp has over 400 million active users in India. The reason for this limited availability is that the NPCI has implemented a 30% cap on the total payment volumes via third-party payments app applicable from January 1, 2021.
Table of Contents
Whatsapp Payments: How to set up your account?
Getting your Whatsapp Payments account ready for payments is a fairly simple and easy process. Here is how you can do this.
Step 1: The first and foremost thing is to update your Whatsapp to the latest version of Android or iOS. The WhatsApp payments feature requires a minimum version or above.
Step 2: Tap on the three-dots icon in the top right corner and click on the “Payments” Option.
Step 3: Now, select the “Add payment method” and choose your Bank. Whatsapp will verify the mobile number (linked with the bank account). For that, click on the Verify Via SMS button and make sure that your Whatsapp number & Bank linked mobile number are the same.
Step 4: Whatsapp will then detect the bank accounts linked to that mobile number through UPI. You can select the preferred Bank account that you want to add and then click on “Done.” That’s how you set up your WhatsApp payment account. Cheers!
Whatsapp Payments: How to use Whatsapp Pay to send & receive money?
When you are finished setting up your Whatsapp Payments account, you are all set to send and receive payments via your Whatsapp Messenger. But make sure that you’re sending money to has also his/her Whatsapp Payment account ready otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to send or receive the funds, and Whatsapp will notify you about this.
Here is how you can make money transactions using Whatsapp Pay:
Step 1: Go to the person’s chat to whom you want to send the payments, tap on the attachment icon, and select the Payment option.
Step 2: Now, you will get the option to either “Pay” or “Request” money from that person. Just type the amount you want to pay or request and tap on the send button. You can also add notes to each payment or request you make.
Step 3: Now enter your UPI pin, and the money will get paid to the recipient, or it will send a notification to the selected person if you have requested money.
Whatsapp Payments – FAQs
How to get the WhatsApp Payments Feature?
To get the Whatsapp Pay feature, you will be required to update your Whatsapp Messenger to the latest version of Android (v2.20.202.21) and iOS (v2.20.42).
Which latest Version of WhatsApp has the Payments feature?
The latest version for having the Whatsapp Pay option is v2.20.202.21 for Android and v2.20.42 for the iOS platform.
How do WhatsApp payments Work?
Whatsapp Payment is a UPI-based third-party payment service. Users can add a UPI-enabled Bank account to send and receive money to their contacts. Whatsapp Pay supports all the popular Banks like HDFC, ICICI, State Bank of India, Axis Bank, Paytm Payments Bank, and even Airtel Payments Bank.
How do I delete my WhatsApp payments history?
The Whatsapp Payments History is visible in the Payments section, and there is no option to hide or delete that Whatsapp Payments history as of now.
Is WhatsApp Payments service available in India?
Yes, Whatsapp has finally launched its payment service in India, but NPCI has approved only 20 million Whatsapp users to have the Whatsapp Pay feature as of now.
How to Activate WhatsApp Payments?
Update your Whatsapp app to the latest version, and you will see a new payment option. Add your UPI-enabled Bank account and start using the Whatsapp Payments Feature to send and receive money.